2023 Championship Banquet
KPRL Twin City Raceway Championship Trophy Banquet Sponsor Highlight Upper Deck Lounge Mamas Wilderness BBQ RPM'S Engine Repair
Circle Track Division Races / Food vendors and concessions available.
Make sure to stay after the races for the driver meet and greets!
Adult General Admission: $10
Children 6-17/Students/Seniors: $5
Children 5 & under: FREE
Veterans/Active Duty: FREE
Pit Pass (age 12+): $20
Time Trials Start at 3pm with Racing Starting at 5pm
Motocross Races:
City Races: Practice at 11:15 am with Races at noon
State Races: Practice at 8:45 am with Races at 10 am.
Motocross State Races:
Adult General Admission: $10
Children 7-17/Students/Seniors: $5
Children 6 & under: FREE
Veterans/Active Duty: FREE
Twin City Raceway originally broke ground in 1970 with the first races starting in 1972. The track started life as a 1/2-mile oval with the pits in the middle, now it is a 3/8 mile semi banked oval with the pits on the back side. Currently the fastest dirt track in Alaska and home to Mini Stocks, A Stocks, B Stocks, Legends, Late Models, Trucks, and Sprint Cars. From 2021 –2023 the track has added new Division Rally, Modified, & Quarter Midgets. Looking to take things to the next level and make a mark for racing here on the Kenai Peninsula!
The organization joined the Kenai Peninsula Racing Lions in 2012 and has continued with an active affiliation with Lions Clubs International with a mission of giving back to our community.
This facility also offers a full Motocross Track and hosts both City and State events. Proud Members of the Kenai Peninsula Racing Lions!
7pm on the Second Thursday of Each Month
Location TBA on our Facebook page each month